Keypad Door Lock for Your Back to School Kids

Keypad Door Lock for Your Back to School Kids

Keyless Locks for Your Back to School Kids

When it is back to school time, your safety concerns turn to those of your children who may be getting off of a school bus while you are still at work and need to let themselves in. Keypad door lock for your back-to-school kids is a smart choice. It means your child will not ever have to worry about losing a key, and it adds extra safety and security to your home.


Keypad Lock


Benefits Of A Keypad Door Lock For Your Back-To-School Kids

Trusting your child with a key can create security issues for your child and your family. Not only is a child likely to lose a key but having a key makes would-be thieves notice and possibly attempt to steal the key for someone to use or duplicate for later use. Also, locks that use keys are typically easier to pick or bump open with a break-in attempt. There are additional benefits to using a keypad instead of a traditional key.



When you leave your home, you don’t need to find your key to lock it. A keyless entry system will automatically lock behind you as you close the door. And, don’t worry about trying to find your key to have in hand to open your doors. Don’t worry about a key at all. All you have to do is remember a code which can be changed as needed.


Scheduled Controls

If you’re worried about your child remembering the code, some keypad door locking systems allow you to schedule times when the doors should be locked or unlocked. This allows you to have full control over when your doors are locked and when they are open.


Added Safety and Security

When your and your child’s schedules collide, and you are not there when your child arrives home from school, you have the peace of mind knowing that your child will not be locked out of the house waiting for you to arrive at risk for strangers passing by and taking advantage of their predicament. Keypad door locks do away with the need for your child to keep track of a house key. When they come home from school, they are able to let themselves in even if you are not there. A keyless entry system also allows extra security when you have young children or a special needs child who would be in danger if they were to open the doors from the inside. As soon as your child is inside, the locks close behind you keeping them safe and secure inside.



A traditional lock and key system wears down and eventually stops working properly after frequent, everyday use which can make it difficult for little hands to open or may even cause a key to break off inside the keyhole leaving the child stuck outside.


When it’s back to school time, it’s time to look into a keypad door lock for your back-to-school kids. Contact a qualified locksmith professional today who can walk you through which keyless entry is best for your family and will be able to install it on the spot or at your convenience.